Monday, September 30, 2013

Fit and Proper Test

Interestingly, for about 2 weeks you may register all offered lectures, and then, you can withdraw what you do not need. Just notice the schedule!

During 2 weeks, is time to do kind of "fit and proper test" to the professors or the subjects. 

The previous students said that you have to take class where your professor in charged, but I think it doesn't matter. I did it, though, just because I was adore my sensei, and lucky me I got A+ at the end.

first day
syllabus and some course materials
my first class
I don't know for nowadays, but at the time there were only few students taking a class. For example, there were only the Thai and I attending the class taught by our academic adviser, then there were only 4 Indonesians for another class.

I then realized that there were not so many the Japanese of master degree students. They were dominated by the Chinese.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Orientation and Entrance Ceremony


19th September 2013
First orientation day in Ritsumeikan University. Here we met other new international students. The students had information regarding bicycling safety and disaster from police department and fire fighters. It seemed that safety and disaster are very crucial for people in Japan. Also you will have information of culture adjustment. Anyway, you may skip this orientation, but in my opinion, that makes your student life abroad is not complete.

Clothes? Just wear the casual one, but it's O.K if you want to wear batik. There was no any dress code, anyway. For Indonesia Linkage Program, there were sessions that we could skip because they were irrelevant for us.

After lunch, we had health examination. Women, make sure you are not in your period because it will be postponed.
Interestingly, in the afternoon there was welcome party. Besides food and drinks, we played games and mingled to others. Oyeah, they let us know food containing pork. As a result, they served food for us in separated plates, even though we never asked for that.

chicken, rice, and potatoes
sushi, sandwich, and bread with cream
20th September 2013
On the second day, besides getting tour to library and keyword for internet access, we had information related to students activities in campus.
multimedia room


24 September 2013
It was an orientation for Policy Science only. We listened to explanation of the syllabus from administration staff. Also, we should submit photo copy of some documents, such as passport, residents card, our 1st year transcripts.
orientation at Yoyokan building

Entrance Ceremony...

25 September 2013
The entrance ceremony was for graduate and undergraduate students, conducted at Suzaku Hall, Suzaku Campus. We were introduced to all deans from all faculties.

papers from orientation

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Departure - Arrival

We left at 11.15 pm from Soekarno Hatta. When the previous batch landed in Kansai Airport, we landed in Narita Airport. Lucky us, had first experience with the Shinkansen, and it was FREE. Yeay!

Day 1, 12 September 2013
Mr. SHIMIZU and the first allowance nicely welcomed us. We got residence card from Immigration, then we headed to Kyoto by express train and shinkansen. From Kyoto Station, my friends and I studying in same majoring and living at the same place used taxi off to our apartment (apato) in Kinagusa.

just before landing
first allowance from AsiaSEED
Kyoto Station

Day 2, 13 September 2013 
We went to Kita Ward Office to have Health Insurance and ID Number. I thought it's like Kantor Kecamatan in Indonesia. After that, you are free until the orientation time at university.

on the way to KITA ward
KITA Ward Office


During no classes and waiting for departure, I conducted survey and collected data, as well as DP3. I didn't plan to go back, so I prepared everything, for example, my questionnaire consisted of various questions related to topic of my thesis.

Also, I had  many emails regarding the university and accommodation in Japan from AsiaSEED. Actually, there will be a day for predeparture briefing from AsiaSEED in each campus. The representative, Mr. SHIMIZU explained about what we should prepare before leaving, and what we are going to do after arriving.

Actually, the tricky thing is packing. As you want to bring everything-you-think-you-will-need-it-because-you-think-it's-gonna-be-expensive, but you don't want to get trouble as well. My suggestion is just bring whatever you want. I am not really sure whether it's because of the service passport or just no suspected thing inside our luggage, in fact, all of us could get through all procedures.

It also better to have contact of your colleagues going to same university in Japan, so you guys can share information.